Barney is a Haflinger gelding. Barney is super smart as well as being quite impish. His favorite activity is playing with the other horses in the pasture.

Stelar is a Norwegian Fjord gelding. Stelar is very tall for his breed. He participated in Eventing and was showed before becoming a therapy horse. Everyone loves Stelar's super cool mohawk.

Nate is a Haflinger gelding. Nate's nickname is Noodle due to his wiggley gaits. Nate loves to be on social media and is obsessed with coffee.

Tea is a Morgan/Welsh cross mare. Tea loves being pet, groomed and honestly any attention that you want to give her. Tea enjoys playing with the other horses and eating grass in the morning with the herd.

Marty is a Haflinger gelding. Marty was a riding lesson pony before his time at Greenlock. Marty loves hanging out with the other horses (especially Stelar) and also enjoys attention from the clients.

Poe is a grade pony. Poe loves people, other horses, and attention of any kind. Poe has even been compared to a big dog. His favorite activity is being groomed and hugged.

Amigo is everyone's favorite mini donkey. He takes his job of "official friend" very seriously. Amigo keeps the herd company and enjoys being groomed and getting treats.